When a child has a chronic medical condition the care needed to keep the child thriving can place a real financial strain on what is already a very difficult situation. There are little, if any, funds left to save for emergencies, pay for out of pocket therapies or future life planning, such as life insurance which many afflicted children will not be eligible for. Should a major medical emergency occur, it could financially devastate the family forcing them to choose between paying the mortgage and paying the hospitals, therapists and physicians.
Through the Friends of Cameron Grant program we are able to provide quality of life grants through tax-deductible donations for Illinois families that care for children with life long neurological conditions, especially Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida.
The grants will provide stipends for families who do not qualify for Charity Care, DSCC, Medicaid and other financial assistance programs. The stipends may be used for a wide variety of supports and programs to assist their family member with special needs .
Some examples of past uses:
- Hippotherapy (Therapeutic horse back riding)
- Paying down outstanding hospital balances
- Therapies (Physical, Occuaptional, Speech, Developmental)
- Special Recreation Camps
- Education Advocacy
In addition to granting money to individual children, The Cameron Can Foundation also helps support organizations who touch many children at once. To date the Foundation has given grants to the following: Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Emergency Fund, Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Hydrocephalus Association and YMCA Camp Independence. We hope to add to this list each year.