Welcome to The Cameron Can Foundation
Inspired by Cameron Dominick, the mission of The Cameron Can Foundation is to provide a continuing legacy of care for families of children who need long-term medical care. When a child has a chronic medical condition the care needed to keep the child thriving can place a real financial strain on what is already a very difficult situation. For many families there is very little in the way of financial support when they fall into the “donut hole” where their income disqualifies them from receiving charity care from the Hospitals/Providers, Division of Specialized Care for Children, AllKids and Medicaid. No child should be denied a bright future because of the need for ongoing medical care.
How We Got Our Start
In 2010, after four years of caring for Cameron, our family found ourselves in a tough spot financially. The many surgeries, never ending therapies, medical bills and emergencies really caught up with us. We had spent over $40,000 in out-of-pocket costs. We were living paycheck-to-paycheck, never able to put anything away to save for our children’s future. Around this time, we had some amazing friends put together a benefit to help our family and Cameron. It was an incredible success and allowed us to pay down all of our outstanding medical bills and create a Special Needs Trust for Cameron’s future.
This was a very humbling experience for our family, and we just knew there had to be other families like ourselves who didn’t ever qualify for any sort of financial assistance. And believe me, I tried! We felt strongly about paying it forward and thus, The Cameron Can Foundation was born. When Cameron was born, we could have never imagined all he would accomplish by the age of seven, nor did we envision there would one day be a foundation in his name to help others. What a true blessing Cameron’s life, joy and perseverance has been for us. We believe this cause is larger than one child or one family. The Cameron Can Foundation has the ability to make a real difference in the lives of families and children with lifelong medical conditions. Our goal is to build a continuing legacy of care for families who fall into the gap where financial assistance through typical channels is not an option, even though they are struggling to pay mounting medical bills.
Thank you for your support and interest.
–Rory & Matt Dominick